My hero is Christian Colllins, he's nineteen years old and he is a Canadian famous Youtuber. He is also known as a teenager actor, songwriter, singer as well as a rapper. He is very attractive. He has short brown hair and green eyes. I love his smile because it's so cute and his teeth are as white as snow. I suscribed on his Youtube channel "WeecklyChris" two years ago, and now I'm a Colliner.
He is very talented because he sings so good, he always has a big smile on his face so he's cheerful, self-confident and I think he is a hard working person because he spends most of the time in the studio preparing new projects for the Colliners, his fans. His goal is to impact as many people as he can through music. With his positivity he makes me believe in myself and when people brings me down I only need to see his Snpchat story to smile. I look up to him because he was a very shy kid when he started making videos, and now he's an international Youtuber so I am so blessed to have an amazing idol like Chris.