dissabte, 30 de gener del 2016

News in Levels

Planet nine - level 3


Scientists have some new information. They say that there is a ninth planet in our solar system. According to resarch, the planet is 10 times bigger than Earth and 20 times farther away from the sun than Earth.
Scientists have not seen the planet yet, but they know it's there because they saw its gravitational influence on part on the solar system.
Now the objective of the astronomers is to find this mystery planet.

Personal Opinion:

I chose this new because I'm interested in astronomy. I hope that scientists find this planet because the discovery could be very important for humanity.


diumenge, 17 de gener del 2016

New Year's Resolution

What can you do today that you were not capable of 12 months ago?

1- Save money for the trip to Italy. “If a person is not good with his money, He is not good with anything else.”

2- Learn a New Skill. A new skill is important to learn every year to make yourself more productive    and for entertainment.

3- Read books, websites, and watch series in English to learn more the language.

4- Obtain the ESO graduate with good marks.

5- Spend more time with the people that matter: There is just too little time in this life for us to waste it on insincere, duplicitous and toxic people. We should focus on the people who we care about deeply and who care about us, as this is the best way to stay happy.